
Send money to India from around the world

Find the best money transfer services. Save on fees, obtain the best exchange rates and find the cheapest transfer service with our real-time comparison engine.

Banks and transfer service providers often add a markup to their exchange rate while advertising low fees, which means you could be paying huge hidden charges. Transfer2India allows you to compare all services by transparently displaying exchange rate, cost and fee upfront.

Our real-time comparison engine finds the best providers for your transfer to India. You save on fees and exchange rates. That way, more rupees arrive. Use Transfer2India to check if the INR conversion rate is favourable.

Millions of people like you send money back to India every week. With over 30 million of us of us living outside India, we all need an easy and inexpensive way to send rupees back home to benefit our family, friends, and others.

Non-resident Indians send 3.4 billion rupees to India each year. Together they could save 184 million by switching to a cheaper provider. Save on fees, obtain the best exchange rates and find the cheapest transfer provider with our real-time comparison engine.